Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Voice from the past

This year makes my 10th year out of high school. Time sure flies, and I realized that I have lost touch with many of my friends back when I was in high school. Two days ago, to my surprise, one of my old friends from high school Yaohua (a.k.a. Athena) found my e-mail address and decided to write. She now is a mother of a little girl and has been married since 1999. It’s very interesting to find out how my friends are doing since we bid farewell 10 years ago. If she does decide to go to the class reunion that is set in November, then it will be more of a reason for me to consider going :)


At 8/24/2005 7:35 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Isn't it fun! I have had such a good time reconnecting with friends from my past. One includes a friend from high school and three from my undergrad days. I hope that you are able to keep in touch with your friend. Sometimes they are the ones that will be around forever.


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