Friday, August 19, 2005

Wedding guests for rent

I heard about the new type of business springing up in India, guests for rent, not just any guests, wedding guests. Having been through couple of weddings already, I know how expenses in weddings tend to pile up. First, the whole idea that there are people in the world would want to spend double in order to seem to have a big wedding is just beyond my imagination. What bothers me is the whole idea that there are people out there that think there are not enough guests in their wedding. I have always heard that couples needing to cut down on the number of guests in order to actually being able to pay for the wedding. I, for one, have never been into large and extravagant weddings. Few years ago when a friend of a friend got married, they couple had 500+ guests. Sure, at least half of them are over 50 and do not know the couple other than their names. I agree that sometimes the more the merrier, but I still do think there’s a point where it is just overwhelming.

Well, the news continues to say that the company will actually get the posers together for the couple few days before the wedding to go over details. Just in case the real guests ask questions about the couple that have completely nothing to do with them other than a business opportunity. What will the creative and desperate businessmen think of next!


At 8/21/2005 1:29 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Seems absolutely crazy and somewhat pathetic. Weddings are supposed to be meaningful to the couple, not to see who can have the most guests!!


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