Saturday, February 18, 2006

I am a little freaked out…

First of all, some of you already know that I’ve turned 29 on the 10th of this month. It was a lot of fun to hang out with my friends. Also, I refused to think that I am old, even if I am only a 358 days away from 30. I will have a doctorate by the time I turn 31, so partially age does not scare me. If anything, it is something for me to get excited about.

I have been to many meetings this pass week at school in preparation for my comprehensive exam at the end of summer. Yes, we are bunch of nerds that are already thinking about an upcoming exam in February when the exam is at the end of July. I am mainly freaked out about the amount of information that I will need to remember for this exam from now till the end of July. They don’t call it comprehensive for nothing. We will be shown a 45-50 minute vignette and do two case formulations and a treatment plan. Sounds easy you say? Well, I suppose if you can remember to mention very little detail, then ok, this is easy for you. On top of it, it’s an eight hour exam. So, I have sat through a few of those eight hour exams before (between my MA and what I have to do for my program, I should really be used to the fact that I have to sit through these exams), but they are nevertheless not pleasant. Try concentrating on something for eight hours, and you will see what it’s like. I know I will do fine on this exam, but there is still that reluctance for me to jump in joy about doing these things.

Friday, February 03, 2006

So much food…

Two of my aunts are in town this week, and as a family tradition, all of the cousins get together when there are family visiting from out of town. We went to Yuraku at Germantown last night (a Japanese restaurant run by Koreans that has the best and most creative sushi that I have come across at this part of town). The restaurant is not as packed as usual and we were seated quickly. So my uncle from Florida proceeded to order and the waitress recommended a “boat” of sushi for us. True to their words, a boat of sushi is really a boat-load of sushi. I approximate 60 to 70 pieces of sushi on that boat. It was all so good, except for the fact that we barely finished. Luckily fish is not supposed to make your fat. It was also very nice to see my family :)