Child magnet
So, I went to the mechanics today to get my car serviced. Of course, without fail, a simple one hour oil change turned into a 3.5 hours ordeal where they recommended that my spark plug and wires to be replaced. So while sitting there watching whatever it is playing on TV, I was completely bored out of my mind. I know… it’s my fault that I didn’t grab a book with me as I was heading there. I don’t remember when was the last time that I sat through so many soap operas in one sitting. About 30 minutes into what I thought was only going to be an hour appointment, came this little girl. Cute as a button dressed in a pink sweater and blue pants. She kept looking at me and periodically would smile at me. Naturally, I smiled at her and I knew she wanted to play. She walked back and fourth a couple of times and the last time her mother followed with another baby in her arms. With one glance, you can tell they are sisters; they have the same face and the same smile. So I learned that the younger one is 11 months old and the older one is 4 years old. Hour two, the 4 year old little girl started to play peek-a-boo with me between the tires that are in display. The same time, her sister crawled on the floor to me and wanted me to hold her up. That continued for a bit longer when the sisters decided that they were tired and needed a nap. The girls certainly made the wait more bearable. Still, I rather have not sat through the 3.5 hours!