Monday, June 13, 2005

My new neighbors

A few weeks ago while laboring away washing my car I looked up and saw a bird sitting rather protectively on my neighbor’s roof.

“What was that all about?” I thought to myself. As l looked closer another bird climbed out of the metal covers that lie between the roof and the house. “Oh, no, they are nesting in there” and that can’t be good. The very next day, I saw some bird droppings ON my front door and few twigs and pine needles on my lawn. Yes, not only they have nested there, they keep constant watch at the hole and become very defensive as I try to get into my house. Right, like I can climb 3 stories up so that I can steal the eggs. I can also hear them strolling leisurely across my roof first thing in the morning.

Needless to say, the birds are still here and they keep pooping on the front side of my house. It looks very attractive by the way, with all the visible bird droppings on the windows and door. Maybe I should conjure up some plan to “help” them move out.


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